Todo los Juegos estan en perfecto estado, estuche original, manual, disco cero rayas (excepto WET pero esta
100% funcional) pass online sin usar, aca el listado de los Juegos
Assassins Cre Brotherhood 1000
Metal Gear Solid 4 1000
Army of Two 1000
Killzone 2 1000
Heavenly Sword 1000
Lollipop Chainsaw 1000
Tomb Raider Underworld 1000
Wet 1000 (disco con rayas pero 100% funcional)
Resident Evil 5 1000
Hunted Demon Forge 1000
Lord of the Ring Wat in North 1000
Front Mission Evolved 1000
Civilization Revolutuion 1000
Viking Battle of Asgard 1000
Soul Calbur IV 1000
Gran Tursimo 5 1200
Final Fantasy XIII 1200
God of War 3 1200
Resident Evil 5 1200
Valkyria Chronicle 1200
Dead Space 1200
Army of Two 40 1200
Killzone 3 1200
Resonance of fate 1200
Silent Hill Downpour 1500
Folklore 1500
Crysis 2 1500
Skyrim 1500
Dead or Alive 5 1500
Assassins Creed 3 1500
Final Fantasy XIII-2 1500
God of War Ascention 2000
Resident Evil 6 2000
Dead Space 3 2000
Tomb Raider 2013 2000
Assassins Creed Black flag 2700
Resident Evil Revelations 2700
The Last of Us 2700
Army of Two Devil Cartel 2700
Beyond dos almas 2700
Remember me 2700
100% funcional) pass online sin usar, aca el listado de los Juegos
Assassins Cre Brotherhood 1000
Metal Gear Solid 4 1000
Army of Two 1000
Killzone 2 1000
Heavenly Sword 1000
Lollipop Chainsaw 1000
Tomb Raider Underworld 1000
Wet 1000 (disco con rayas pero 100% funcional)
Resident Evil 5 1000
Hunted Demon Forge 1000
Lord of the Ring Wat in North 1000
Front Mission Evolved 1000
Civilization Revolutuion 1000
Viking Battle of Asgard 1000
Soul Calbur IV 1000
Gran Tursimo 5 1200
Final Fantasy XIII 1200
God of War 3 1200
Resident Evil 5 1200
Valkyria Chronicle 1200
Dead Space 1200
Army of Two 40 1200
Killzone 3 1200
Resonance of fate 1200
Silent Hill Downpour 1500
Folklore 1500
Crysis 2 1500
Skyrim 1500
Dead or Alive 5 1500
Assassins Creed 3 1500
Final Fantasy XIII-2 1500
God of War Ascention 2000
Resident Evil 6 2000
Dead Space 3 2000
Tomb Raider 2013 2000
Assassins Creed Black flag 2700
Resident Evil Revelations 2700
The Last of Us 2700
Army of Two Devil Cartel 2700
Beyond dos almas 2700
Remember me 2700
1 reviews