Listado top ventas spanish

San Mateo (Aragua)
Learn Spanish in Granada, Masaya or Managua! Spanish abroad courses one-one-one and in small groups with Nicaraguan experienced Spanish teachers. Exciting excursions to nature reserves and crater lakes included in the cost. Visit to ceramic workshops and artisan villages. Class materials and internet access are included in the price. Possibility to adapt courses to history interests including historic sites during the Nicaraguan revolution. Optional lodging with a host family. Apartment, hostal, or hotel room are also possible with the help of the Spanish school administration. You can reserve your program on line at at no cost.
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Privates lessons for small groups by Skype. Learn Spanish! Pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary! If you want to learn to speak Spanish, you’ve come to the right place. Begginer Spanish, Intermediate Spanish, Advanced Spanish!
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Has pensado alguna vez que te gustaria aprender ingles? Si es asi, esto es para ti. Ven a Chicago. Puedo ayudarte con los tramites, trabajo para una escuela con programas ESL. Decidete y ven a vivir tu Experiencia. Si quieres conocer mas sobre la vida en esta ciudad, puedes chequear mi Instagram @bellafilippi #BEYOUANDLIVE
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Caracas (Distrito Capital)
Hola! me encantaría ayudarte con tus tareas o asignaciones de inglés via chat por mensajeria online (WhatsApp, Google Hangouts o cualquier otra plataforma). También podemos pautar llamadas para que practiques el idioma inglés de forma auditiva y oral. ¡Anímate! El anuncio también esta abierto para personas que quieran practicar el español. Advertencia: El chat o las llamadas solo serán para aprender sobre el idioma o para ser ayudado en las asignaciones. Serás bloqueado/a si es usado con otro propósito. Hello! I would love to help you with your English assignments or via chat (WhatsApp, Google Hangouts or any other platform). We can also schedule calls for you to practice the English language in an auditory and oral way. Cheer up! The announcement is also open for people who want to practice Spanish. Warning: The chat or calls will only be to learn about the language or to be helped in assignments. You will be blocked if it is used for another purpose.
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