Got good ears? Here's the flanger pedal for you. This all-analog tone monster puts iconic MXR flanger sounds (drawn right from the M117 pedal), into a smaller and even more pedalboard-friendly box. This re-creation of the famous '80s pedal gives you the same two controls to steer your sound: Speed and Regeneration. The Micro Flanger also stays true to its 100% analog bucket-brigade technology, so you get that warm and organic sound you love about analog gear. And with a true bypass design, you can feel confident that your tone is intact even when you're not using the MXR Micro Flanger. USUARIOS DE MENOS DE 200 POSITIVAS O USUARIOS NUEVOS, SOLO SE ENTREGARA Y PROBARA EN PERSONA PREVIO DEPOSITO O TRASFERENCIA BANCARIA MXR M152 Micro Flanger Pedal Analog Flanger Effect Pedal with Speed and Regeneration Controls Got good ears? Here's the flanger pedal for you. This all-analog tone monster puts iconic MXR flanger sounds (drawn right from the M117 pedal), into a smaller and even more pedalboard-friendly box. This re-creation of the famous '80s pedal gives you the same two controls to steer your sound: Speed and Regeneration. The Micro Flanger also stays true to its 100% analog bucket-brigade technology, so you get that warm and organic sound you love about analog gear. And with a true bypass design, you can feel confident that your tone is intact even when you're not using the MXR Micro Flanger. ENVIO Y ENTREGA: POR MRW UNA VEZ CONFIRMADO EL DEPOSITO, EL PRODUCTO SERA ENVIADO EN LA MAYORIA DE LOS CASOS EN 2 DIAS HABILES A MAS TARDAR.EN CASO DE ENVIO EL PRODCUTO SOLO SERA ENVIADO A LA OFICINA DE MRW MAS CERCANA AL DOMICILIO O TRABAJO DEL COMPRADOR PARA QUE LA PASE BUSCANDO
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